Making purchases

If you wish to place an order click on the email address below with details, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Seeking Sponsorship:

If you can help me to develop the design of this puppet/doll/figure contact me at the address below. I am working on a male version, and I want to be able produce a range of alternative faces, hands, ethnic representations, sizes, etc. at a reasonable price, for use by collectors of 1/12th scale miniatures, and animators, etc.

I am also interested in collaboration with other artists to develop the narrative side of the animation work, working with digital video and model making for animation.



My White Headed Woman.
Look still.
She is still.

This Patient Puppet
Wants for nothing
(But lacks free will)
And waits to be enlivened
By a clumsy touch
Or two

Alone but for
Her sister clones
And for this moment

Contact the artist at this number:


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